Registration now open
Experience the most comprehensive program on the market for mind, body and performance training from one of the world's best SOF operatives!
This 12 month program includes all of Dale Comstock's best programs in one!
The value of all the trainings provided exceeds $12,000 but now it is only $500 per month (a yearlong commitment) or pay in full and save!
How It Works:
If you enroll now you will gain personal access to Dale to begin and conquer your Spartan Americana journey.
By the end of the program, you will have received high valued trainings that make up the Spartan Americana library of knowledge.
Each one of the trainings sold separately will be between $1,000 - $2,000 each (Payable in Installments).
By committing to this program you are saving over 50% of what the sum total of purchasing the courses individually.
What Will Be Covered in The Spartan Americana Program:
This is one of the fastest tracks to earn your Black Belt! Dale will personally (live) will train you in his American Combat Karate system that is centered on practical self-defense that you can learn rapidly, use immediately, all while managing your work schedule and family affairs. You don't need to be in athletic shape, nor will you have to be stretched out to kick someone (impractically) in the head. My techniques are designed for everyone and are grounded in a "what works work it" mind-set, battle tested and proven. His system is based on scientific and artistic eclecticism where he has combined the best techniques in 45 years of training in various systems of armed and unarmed combat.
He has earned 6th degree black belts and 1st degree black belts in American Karate, Ju Jitsu; He is a licensed professional Boxer, Kickboxer, MMA fighter that fought the first Vale Tudo (anything goes) match in 1996 in the US. He is a Toughman Champion (Adore Ltd.) and King of the Ring Champion. Additionally he developed the Hand Combat program for Delta Force and 3rd Special Forces Group that became the impetus for the Army wide Hand Combat program.
The ABB program is approximately 10 months, consisting of eight (8) modules, whereby you and Dale will meet online once to twice a week (1-2 hours) via Zoom (sessions can be recorded) and I cover the training tasks (live and with pre-recorded video). You will be required to demonstrate live or by video the tasks assigned. You will be required to teach the techniques at the instructor level in order to receive your Black Belt.
It would take the average and above average student years (4-6 years) to earn a black belt in any system where you must attend a class on a weekly basis. Factor in that actual instruction time in an hour is 30-45 minutes and it may take an hour travel round trip time, plus equipment cost, fees, etc. and you will easily be invested for thousands of dollars to get the Black Belt. Sadly much that you will have been exposed to will have very little utility in street combat. Even Ju Jitsu has limitations as do most sport martial arts. Sport Martial Arts are not geared for street fights and practical self-defense where there is no referee and tapping out or taking a knee stops the onslaught.
This program is offered to you for a discounted rate of $6000.00 that is payable in installments, if you sign up now with $1000.00 down. The course normally costs $7200.00, so your savings are significant! What do you get for your money?
1. You earn your Black Belt in 1/4th the time that it would normally take.
2. You will learn real-world validated techniques outside of the ring or Dojo that work now.
3. You will learn the psychology of combat and crowd violence. As part of the training, you will also receive my Psycho-Soma Engineering training that will teach you optimal performance and how to learn faster through auto-hypnosis. It will cover fight analysis and discussion to prime your combat mind-set.
4. You will save on incidental expenses and time.
5. You get to train on your time without the distractions of other students and an audience watching you.
6. You will have my exclusive attention and be one of the few select students that I will train. This program is not open to everyone that comes along because Dale has limited time and a limited student load. Any age above 10 accepted.
If you are interested and would like to know more, feel free to email Dale at americanbadass@dalecomstock.com so that we can schedule a call to discuss.
"Thanks again for all your support!"
: Student will learn the science that creates success by fully understanding the physics, developmental psychology, and social influences on personal and professional performance.
: Student will demonstrate - thorough Q&A, testing - understanding and competence in optimal performance techniques as outlined in the curriculum. Upon successful completion of the course, student will receive a certificate of training.
Summary: PSE is my proprietary performance training to develop individuals and groups to become high achievers. I focus on three areas - the consciousness (mind-set), subconsciousness (ether - energy, thoughts, metaphysics, autogenic conditioning and more), and body - understanding physiology, diet, and exercise as it correlates to whole person performance. All three areas are interrelated and must be congruent to perform optimally and reach success. I will teach you how to balance the three and you WILL see an improvement in cognitive, physical, and professional performance as soon as you apply the principles explained. My program of instruction is suited for everyone, except those that don’t have a desire to change and improve their lives.
By the time we are 35 years old, 95% of what we have already been programmed into us by our past way of thinking and behavior since the age of seven. We cannot change the future until we forget about the past ways of processing information. It’s as simple as that. Thinking is frequency (energy), and frequency affects biology 99% more than biochemistry. Changing your performance is like changing the frequency on a radio dial. Let’s tune you into success!
: Student will learn the fundamentals of explosives and their use from RE factors, electric and non-electric systems, military and civilian applications, homemade explosives, safety, and identification.
: Student will demonstrate a thorough understanding and competence - thorough Q&A, testing – the ability to recognize explosive components, applications, explosive trains, past use of explosives by terrorists and future paradigms in explosives. Upon successful completion of the course, student will receive a certificate of training.
: This course is designed to teach the fundamentals of explosives to security consultants, law-enforcement, first responders, miners, demolition engineers, military personnel, and anyone desiring to expand their knowledge of explosives, to recognize potential improvised explosive devices and assess critical infrastructure that could be exploited by terrorists. The information taught is open source and in no way designed to reveal tactics, techniques, procedures for developing improvised weapons. This information is for educational purposes only and all potential students will be vetted before they are accepted in this training.
Dale Comstock has over 35 years of experience working with explosives for various applications to include surgical breaching, testing, destruction of IEDs and unexploded ordinance, bulk applications for heaving and fracturing, IEDs and VBIEDS. See Bios for detailed experience of Dale Comstock.
: Student will learn the art of Executive Protection that will give him/her the basic skill sets to join and become an effective member of an EP team.
: Student will demonstrate thorough understanding and competence in all aspects of EP operations to include security formations, motorcade operations, communications, tactical operations, site surveys and advance team operations, immediate action drills, low-visibility Defensive Tactics, firearms retention and disarming, practical knife and linear weapon defense and offense. Upon successful completion of the course, student will receive a certificate of training.
: This course of instruction covers all aspects of Executive Protection for those interested in a career in this field. Modules of instruction include Advance Team operations and site surveys, Counter Surveillance, Motorcade operations, Security Team formations and operations, command and control – Tactical Operations Center, Travel Security, Dress for Success, Weapons, and Defensive Tactics, Communications, Planning, and Contingency operations.
Dale Comstock has extensive Executive Protection experience as a trainer and operator from the Presidential level to global High-Risk personal security – billionaires, millionaires, celebrities, to General Officers. Dale ran the Dignitary Protection for Operators heading down-range to secure Diplomats and the President of the United States. He has personally covered down on millionaire starlets in Hollywood to billionaire investment bankers in Hong Kong to Mexico City.
: Student will learn ballistic wounding factors, identifying weapon systems, combat marksmanship principles, conceal and open carry techniques, transition and manipulation of long and short guns, range operations and safety, home defense, vehicle counter-carjacking and fighting in and out of vehicles.
: Student will demonstrate thorough understanding and competence in combat marksmanship principles, safety, and tactics, techniques, and procedures for weapons usage. Upon successful completion of the course, student will receive a certificate of training.
: This course of instruction will cover ballistic wounding factors, light weapon systems, combat marksmanship principles, terrorism, psychology of violence, and tactical use of firearms. Instruction will be delivered by lecture, audio-video, and practical demonstration through live video conferencing.
Dale Comstock was a Delta Force Operator – one of the world’s best surgical shooters – a light and heavy weapons expert as a Green Beret, and former professor for Henley Putnam University where he taught Special Weapons and Psychology of Violence, and certified firearms instructor through the FBI, NRA, and Mid-South Institute.
: Student will learn the art of room and building clearing, military operations in urban terrain using individual and team techniques. Throughout the course the student will learn movement techniques that incorporate my four tenets of combat – Speed, Surprise, Violence of Action, and Momentum; use of cover and concealment, ballistic and kinetic use of weapons and explosives, operations planning, equipment considerations, and contingency operations.
: Student will demonstrate thorough understanding and competence in CQB techniques as outlined in the curriculum. Student will be tested through Q&A and written tests. Upon successful completion of the course, student will receive a certificate of training.
: This course of instruction covers tactics, techniques, and procedures for room clearing, urban combat, and vehicle take-downs. Training will include use cover and concealment, use of diversionary tactics, and combat mind-set to effectively meet and dispatch a threat. There is myriad of techniques for negotiating structures and urban areas, most of which looks sound in training that in practicality are ineffective. Dale Comstock has 37 years of experience in CQB with extensive experience as the primary instructor and director of training for US and foreign forces. His extensive combat experience cuts through the fluff and focuses on what works sans speculation, conjecture, and theory.
: Student will learn the fundamentals of high-speed and technical driving dynamics, tactical vehicle interdiction, ramming techniques, off road recovery, and vehicle commandeering basics.
: Student will demonstrate thorough understanding and competence in vehicle selection, preparation, tactical use, offensive and defensive techniques, and crash safety considerations. Upon successful completion of the course, student will receive a certificate of training.
: Learning high speed and technical driving requires a thorough understanding of vehicle dynamics and performance characteristics to include integrating human sensory systems, response, and stress loading to create a single functioning unit of man and machine. The course does not require driving fast or dynamically. It requires understanding principles of physics and physiology, applying in your day-to-day driving (at normal speeds) that will develop your skills under stress driving conditions. The same principles of marksmanship apply here: Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.
: Student will learn how to successfully analyze a venue, structure or potential target for vulnerabilities based on their design-basis threats; develop and implement a security architecture that will mitigate risk to life and property.The student will gain a better understanding of security integration and confidently explain through word and written format "How to" to security managers and clients.
: Student will demonstrate thorough understanding of conducting threat and vulnerability assessment (TVAs) to include identifying target vulnerabilities and design basis threats, threat pathways, means of mitigation, technical and electronic surveillance and detection systems, and all-aspects of target hardening and exploitation. Student will be required to conducts TVAs as part of their course completion requirements. Upon successful completion of the course, student will receive a certificate of training.
: This course is designed to train security managers and students how to successfully evaluate a facility, structure, complex for security weaknesses, assess potential design-basis threats that includes procedural, electronic, physical, and communications risks; and develop countermeasures to develop security architectures to secure or exploit their objectives.
: Student will learn the principles of surveillance and counter-surveillance
: Student will demonstrate thorough understanding and competence in clandestine surveillance, technical surveillance, and counter-surveillance techniques (street-craft). Upon successful completion of the course, student will receive a certificate of training.
: This course is must for investigators, executive protection details, travelers and tourists, armored car teams, and anyone that has concerns about being traced, followed, surveilled, and targeted for exploitation. Course content will discuss clandestine communications, surveillance detection methods, tactics, techniques, and procedures for evading detection.